I'm Fine
The "I'm Fine" project is a series of abstract paintings that delve into my personal struggle with mental health. It's a visual journey through my emotions, each painting capturing a different aspect of how I feel. I use colors as a way to express my innermost thoughts and feelings.

I started this project in late 2021, still grappling with the aftermath of the intense events of the Belarusian revolution in 2020. Despite dealing with depression, I had to go to work and maintain a professional demeanor, not only fulfilling my role as a photographer but also concealing my emotions. I had to keep them hidden, wearing a mask to endure and survive. These 'sugar-unicorn' rainbow gradients on (in) my paintings cloak the darkness beneath, much like how socially acceptable emotions attempt to conceal the inner turmoil within us, encompassing anxiety, fears, pain, and depression.

Today, this series provides a deeper insight into my emotions
and experiences. Through these paintings, I reveal my vulnerability without any pretense, exposing the darkness I live with, along with my fears and how I cope with them. Being open and unashamed about not fitting (embodying) societal norms empowers me to embrace my true self and offers solace to others battling depression, letting them know they're not alone.

The simple color palette in this series serves as a visual language to convey the various emotional states and mental landscapes
I explore in my artwork. Each color symbolizes a different emotion, allowing me to convey stories of pain, resilience, and transformation. The apparent simplicity of the paintings contrasts with the complexity and confusion I face daily while living with depression.

Through my work, I aim to break the stigma around mental health, encouraging open discussions and fostering a more compassionate and understanding society.

Warsaw Berlin

There is hope, still
160x120 cm
oil on canvas
Berlin 2023
Here & Now
50x40 cm
oil on canvas
Berlin 2023
I'm fine
100x80 cm
oil on canvas
Warsaw 2022
Yes, I'm fine
100x80 cm
oil on canvas
Warsaw 2022
My Toxic Traits I
50x40 cm
oil on canvas
Berlin 2023

My Toxic Traits II
50x40 cm
oil on canvas
Berlin 2023
3,5 minutes of pure happiness
130x100 cm
oil on canvas
Berlin 2023